Cognigram provides primary care physicians
with a simple, objective, validated memory-
impairment screening tool1,2:

  • Support the objective detection of cognitive impairment using validated cognitive assessments1,2
  • Offer convenient self-administered testing at-home or in clinic in <10 minutes on a computer or tablet1,2
  • Measure cognition on a single occasion and then track results over time1
  • Provide data in real-time to allow for immediate decision-making and evaluation of appropriate next steps1
  • Support diverse patient backgrounds with testing available in many languages and test parameters appropriate for all educational levels3
  • Ensure patient data privacy through HIPAA compliance4

Test Considerations: The Cognigram System™, a Class II (exempt) Digital Medical Device, is intended to aid healthcare professionals with an objective measurement of cognition for use in individuals aged 6‐99 years old. The Cognigram Cognitive Test Results are intended to be interpreted by a qualified healthcare professional. Cognigram Cognitive Test Results are not a stand-alone diagnostic. The Cognigram system does not identify the presence or absence of a clinical diagnosis. The results should always be considered in context with other relevant clinical information. This, for example, may include past medical history, lab results, physical examination, medications, other psychological/neuropsychological test results and imaging results. This device is available by prescription only in the US.¹

How does
Cognigram work?

The assessment is made up of a series of tests based on playing card imagery optimized to allow patients to take the test on their own, without clinician supervision.³ The memory assessment evaluates visual learning and working memory.² Patients may take the test within a clinical setting or on their own at home.¹

  • Minimal dependence on instructions¹
  • Dynamic introduction of test guidelines¹
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Universally familiar playing card imagery

One Card Learning task

Have you seen this card before?

5 of hearts card

Cognitive domain assessed: Visual Learning¹

One Back

Is this card the same as the previous card?

queen of spades card

Cognitive domain assessed: Working Memory¹

Designed for all

Cognigram is intended to be a reliable, consistent tool that is not distorted by language, education, or experience. Choices a patient makes during testing are limited to simple, fixed alternatives with no subject factors.2,3,5

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